REQUIREMENT BEFORE USING DOWNLOAD THE TOOL For Android phones, install Mediatek USB VCOM drivers on the PC HOW TO USE Unpack the SN Writer zip file into a folder and run SN Writer as Administrator Under ComPort, select USB VCOM Under Target Type, select your type of device Click on System Config The System Config dashboard should pop up If you wish to write IMEI to the phone then tick IMEI under Write Option. Under IMEI Option, tick the appropriate option (mostly Dual IMEI) depending on the number of SIM card slots the phone has. For the rest like Bluetooth Address, Wi-Fi, Address etc, ticking the box in front of them is just enough Click the MD1_DB button at the bottom. In the Window that pops up, navigate to the location of the MD1_DB file (usually named like BPLGUInfoCustomAppSrcP_MT65**.....), select it t